Tuesday, November 17, 2015

We DID It! Jesse's First WELL!

Today I mailed the first check to a non-profit to pay for a well to be dug, a hand pump to be installed and five water filters given to the people in a remote village in Cambodia!

Amazing to have a dream come true!

It's different than I had imagined, BUT IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! I had always thought that it would take thousands of dollars to get a well dug, and matter of fact, for most NGO's (Non Government Organizations) that is indeed the case. For that reason, I thought it would take me years to get a well to dedicate to Jesse.

That changed this past summer when I was on a sabbatical from trucking to take a road trip. (My car broke down so it all changed, but...) I went to my old church in Summit County Colorado, and saw the photos of Karen and Ben Little and the wells and pumps they were putting in Cambodia through their organization: Cambodia Rural Wells. I was thrilled when I saw the amount needed! "That is totally doable," I thought with excitement!

I had stepped away from the book a couple of years ago for personal reasons, but came back to record and produce an audio book, and I will be putting some time into marketing. You do know why marketers get paid so much... it's difficult to get things out there; and be noticed. But it's not impossible!

When the book first came out, I sold some copies, had about 10 or so honest reviews on Amazon (which I now know isn't too shabby since I didn't beg anyone for them), and I made a little money. That money sat in Create Space (how I published the book) for over 2 years: because of a silly technicality, and my ignorance! But, the good news is that I still had that money, instead of having given it to a big NGO where it wouldn't help NEARLY as much! Well, after talking to Karen and Ben last week, I decided that instead of donating only 25% of the proceeds from the book so far, I would give this whole amount. I hadn't missed it, so why not!

Karen and Ben go through a wonderful organization that gives 100% of any donation to the project supported. This amazing lady's site is Lantern Projects. There is a lot more to this story, but what is important is this: I thought it would take much more money to dig a well in some village in order to help people get water, and with other locations, countries and people, it would. But now, I am going to be able to help more people with less money! Does it matter whom I help? Nope! People who need water are everywhere.
My hope and prayer is: "This is only the beginning!" Because of this new connection, I will be able to help many more people! Yes, indeed, all things happen for a reason! Yee haw! ;-)

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